Lyrical Spaces in the Last Spanish Poetry: from Heterotopia to Non-Place


  • Luis Luna Investigador independiente



Heterotopy, Non-Places, Contemporary Poetry, Lyrical Spaces


The configuration of the space in the last Spanish poetry Spanish mean a substantial change in the poetic language used in the last years. The prevailing figurative until the 80's has been gradually sliding towards the construction of territories where the reader passes from the language itself, without the need for external references that prove it or justify it, thus expanding the margins of a possibilistic realism and building poetic subjects beyond a pre-designed or continuist cannon.


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How to Cite

Luna, L. “Lyrical Spaces in the Last Spanish Poetry: From Heterotopia to Non-Place”. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, no. 4, Dec. 2017, pp. 79-92, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6322340.



I. Transversal Questions