Bilingualism of the Non-Spanish-Speaking Immigrant Population in Spain: Importance, Empowerment and Schooling


  • Isaac Gómez Laguna Universidad de Zaragoza, España
  • Eleni Leontaridi Universidad Aristóteles de Tesalónica, Grecia



Bilingualism, Emigration, Education, Integration, Identity


There are many factors that affect the acquisition of the majority language (as it is Spanish in Spain) by children and young people of immigrant origin, and one of the most important is the education system. However, for this education system to be productive for the members of linguistic minorities, it is necessary for teachers to understand the cognitive processes, the attitudes and the strengths of their students in relation to the majority language. This article aims to be a tool that shows teachers aspects as: a) The relation that non-Spanish people have with both the socially majority language and their family language; b) What is bilingualism and what does it mean for bilingual people; c) The stages that people go through when they learn the society majority language; and d) The need for non Spanish speaking people to benefit from early schooling.


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How to Cite

Gómez Laguna, I., and E. Leontaridi. “Bilingualism of the Non-Spanish-Speaking Immigrant Population in Spain: Importance, Empowerment and Schooling”. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, no. 6, Dec. 2020, pp. 89-105, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6324904.


