Linguistic Time and Aspect. Conceptual and Contrastive Approaches: Arabic, French and Spanish


  • Inès Fessi Université de Carthage, Túnez



Past Tense and Aspect, Arabic, Spanish L3 Acquisition, Contrastive Analysis


The main objective of this article is to expose the temporal and aspectual specificities of Arabic verbal system in contrast to Romance languages, namely, Spanish and French, as a fundamental step, prior to an empirical study on the acquisition of preterit and imperfect past tenses in Spanish as L3, by Tunisian Arabic-speaking learners with L2 French. Such contrast suggests that, despite the disparity between the romance languages under study and Arabic as far as past tense and aspect expression is concerned, the semantic combinations between lexical and inflectional aspect, are quite similar in the three languages. It is therefore possible to hypothesize that the acquisition of the preterit and imperfect Spanish past tenses as well as their aspectual semantics should not constitute any problems for the Tunisian Arabic-speaking learners with L2 French.


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How to Cite

Fessi, I. “Linguistic Time and Aspect. Conceptual and Contrastive Approaches: Arabic, French and Spanish”. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, no. 5, Dec. 2018, pp. 41-72, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6323510.


