The Blind Words: Approach to Antonio Gamoneda’s Poetics


  • María Pérez Heredia Universidad de Zaragoza, España



Poetry, 21st Century, Antonio Gamoneda, Word, Silence, Metalyric, Metaliterature


This article looks forward the research of the poetic of Antonio Gamoneda, a poet who writes from the pain to attend the light, always focusing on the metaliterary reflexion. The poet learns to look inside himself, in purely introspective verses, so that he can learn how to see better the world. To expose the fact that the poetry of Antonio Gamoneda is, itself, metaliterary, we start from the analysis of several poems, belonging to the major part of the poet's trajectory. The silence as a previous element to the creation, expressed in the blank page, will be essential, as well as the fact of naming. Gamoneda, witnessing his granddaughter's language acquisition, will explore the creational power of the word.


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How to Cite

Pérez Heredia, M. “The Blind Words: Approach to Antonio Gamoneda’s Poetics”. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, no. 4, Dec. 2017, pp. 153-70, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6322442.



II. Particular Questions